HR Policy
Be a human beyond the AI
In order to achieve continuous and steady business growth as well as discontinuous growth through business model reform, it is essential to stand in a user viewpoint, demonstrate each person’s individuality,diversity,sense of ownership, and maximize the value provided by the organization or team as a whole.
In order to practice and embody “Smart work, Smart life”, we provide opportunities and environments for demonstrating value, and require self-realization through constant growth of each individual.
Organizational management policy
We will ask each individual to be responsible and aware of his or her own responsibility based on a correct understanding of the minimum rules.
Recruitment policy
Career policy
A passion for a challenge that makes up for the lack of experience and skills is worth more than anything else.
Evaluation/Compensation Policy
The evaluation process will be clarified and decisions will be made so that evaluations will not be based on arbitrary judgment and bias.