HR Policy

Be a human beyond the AI

In order to achieve continuous and steady business growth as well as discontinuous growth through business model reform, it is essential to stand in a user viewpoint, demonstrate each person’s individuality,diversity,sense of ownership, and maximize the value provided by the organization or team as a whole.

In order to practice and embody “Smart work, Smart life”, we provide opportunities and environments for demonstrating value, and require self-realization through constant growth of each individual.

Organizational management policy

We will continue to be an organization that is resistant to change by swiftly implementing organizational restructuring according to the business environment, business phase, and strategy.
Achieving synergies through cross-departmental collaboration
We will continue to create new value by causing chemical reactions through cross-departmental collaboration.
We will create an environment in which each individual can think, act, and be creative on his or her own initiative. We do not bind them with detailed rules.
We will ask each individual to be responsible and aware of his or her own responsibility based on a correct understanding of the minimum rules.

Recruitment policy

Empathy for MISSION, VISION, and VALUE
Competence, skills, and mindset are essential, but even more important is empathy for the MISSION, VISION, and VALUE.
Expectations for the future, not the past
We praise the aggressive and bold challenge without fear of failure against an uncertain future, leveraging past experience.
Promoting Diversity
We realize diversity by respecting and recognizing each individual regardless of gender, age, disability, nationality, or lifestyle.

Career policy

Personal Growth&Self-Realization
Self-growth through challenges and changes beyond the position is necessary. Aiming for a future career and a fulfilling life through work is the source of daily motivation and vitality.
Respect for strong will
Regardless of age, strong-willed personnel will be promoted to positions with greater discretion.
A passion for a challenge that makes up for the lack of experience and skills is worth more than anything else.

Evaluation/Compensation Policy

Achievement of VALUE-based results
Of course, we value the results of achieving our goals and produced results. In addition to that, we also recognize the degree to which VALUE is embodied in the processes and actions used to achieve results, as pursuing and demonstrating VALUE is the basis for achieving even greater results.
In evaluation, we make objective judgments based on facts and evidence, and eliminate subjectivity and bias.
The evaluation process will be clarified and decisions will be made so that evaluations will not be based on arbitrary judgment and bias.
Importance of Dialogue
Careful mutual communication about evaluation results is important. Since evaluation results are only for a certain period of time in the past, a quick path for personal growth is to understand the results essencially and accept them calmly, then look back on them and change behavior for the future.


New technologies are constantly emerging in the world of communications.
We look forward to working together
with those who want to change the world.